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About tonn concept


Tonn Design offers distinctive home objects and textile products emphasizing craftsmanship and the fusion of various natural materials.

In 2024, Tonn Design embarked on a strategic expansion, bringing their selection of unique home object and textile product and extending operations to the USA, with Miami chosen as its home base.


About tonn interiors


With a deep-rooted passion for architectural design, Tonn Design was founded in 2019 as a consultancy specializing in interior architecture and custom product designs. The creatives behind Tonn Design always infused their carefully curated spaces with unique objects, each one a reflection of the personal aesthetics and needs of our valued clients.

About our services



Unique Collection

Where craftsmanship meets storytelling. 

Atmospheric adornments for every tale you want to bring to life. 

Let us enrich your spaces with objects suitable for every style and taste!



Floor Plan

​Planning your spaces according to your needs, general usage habits and design taste. We plan useful and aesthetic spaces with your existing furniture or the products we will choose together!​


3D Modeling and Renderings

Rendering service for clients and designers. Modeling of spaces designed according to the requirements program with real materials, furniture and textures. Just like our other projects, which you can review on our website, we present you the completed version of your spaces!



Furnishing and Shopping

Furniture and product selection service according to your existing spaces, needs, taste and budget. Let's create different materials and combinations together, in partnership with the designer and the customer.

Let’s Work Together

Design Service
Trade Program
Jobs and Careers

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